Founded in 2012, CRI is an independent, privately held, business intelligence consultancy based in London and New York.

We have been recognised by Chambers & Partners as one of the world’s leading firms for investigative due diligence, operating globally.
We undertake complex, high-end due diligence, and service high-volume, enhanced due diligence globally, provide strategic intelligence and conduct investigations.
We provide a sophisticated approach and a responsive and professional service underpinned by a strong, ethical focus.

Independent & Privately Held
Based in:
London & New York
 is a dynamic and innovative, business intelligence consultancy combining exceptional talent with the latest research tools and a progressive culture that fosters creativity and collaboration.

We are a diverse team of highly qualified, experienced and motivated investigators with a range of complementary skills and languages driven by a desire for excellence.

We pride ourselves on delivering a market leading, peerless product supported by an efficient, professional and personable service.

Our Clients

We work closely with managed funds, corporates, investment banks and their advisors tailoring bespoke, complex due diligence products including target due diligence, sector mapping, geopolitical advisory and monitoring services.
We offer high-volume, enhanced due diligence encompassing ‘red flag’, ‘Level 1’ and ‘EDD’ reports, globally.
We assist lawyers and other advisors providing litigation support, investigations, asset tracing and bespoke due diligence.

Where We Work

Since 2021 we have worked in over 75 jurisdictions and utilised over 25 languages.


We are guided by our core values of integrity, professionalism and respect and are selective about our clients and the projects we take on. We believe this is central to our credibility as external advisors and consultants. We will not undertake projects that skirt ethical boundaries.

All of our work is underpinned by an understanding of the US FCPA, UK Anti-Bribery legislation and global AML regulations. We understand the drivers, both commercial and regulatory, that lead our clients to engage us and ensure all employees, partners and contractors of CRI fully understand their legal obligations.

Data Security

We take encryption seriously.

We are fully equipped with multi-factor authentication, remote tracking software and bit locker encryption. We scan all incoming communications and can remotely recover lost information.

Your information is safe with us.


Legal and Privacy Notice

UK Information Commissioners Office Registration Number: ZA427383
CR Investigations Ltd Company Number 08003102

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